Renewable Energy

SEG Solar & Grand Batang City to build mega solar park in Indonesia

SEG Solar (SEG), one of the top dogs in making solar panels from the US, and Grand Batang City just shook hands to make a big move. On May 15th, they signed a deal to use land and build a huge solar park in Batang Regency, Java, Indonesia.

This park is going to be massive, y’all. It’s gonna have factories making everything from silicon ingots to modules. And get this, it’s gonna be the biggest solar park in Southeast Asia. Jun Zhuge, the big boss at SEG, and Ngurah Wirawan, head honcho at Grand Batang City, were there to seal the deal.

This solar park, chillin’ in Grand Batang City, is gonna be off the charts! They’re gonna pour over $500 million into it, covering more than 40 hectares. And the plan? It’s epic. They’re aiming for a total capacity of 5GW for silicon wafers, 5GW for solar cells, and another 5GW for modules.

The first phase of this mega project? SEG is gonna build facilities pumping out 5GW of solar cells and 3GW of modules. And they’re looking to wrap this phase up by the second quarter of 2025.

But here’s the cool part, the cells they make here are gonna go straight to SEG’s global factory for modules. Talk about keeping it in the fam. This move ensures that the supply chain is tight and reliable.

Jun Zhuge, the brain behind SEG, said, “We gotta keep the whole supply chain in check, y’all. From start to finish, we’re making sure our products are green, clean, and totally legit. Whether it’s the US, Europe, or Indonesia, we’re bringing that low-carbon energy vibe worldwide.”

This solar park is gonna be a job-making machine, creating over 3,000 new gigs. Talk about bringing some serious economic mojo to the local scene.

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