
ECI drops the hammer on parties using kids in election campaigns

The Election Commission of India (ECI) is dropping some serious rules on parties and candidates, sayin’ they gotta keep it real when it comes to kiddos in the election game.

So, the ECI is flexin’ its zero-tolerance muscles, straight-up telling political parties they can’t be using children for any election shenanigans. No rallies, no slogan shoutin’, no posters – nada. They’re laying down the law, warning leaders and candidates not to pull any stunts like holding a kid in their arms or cruising with a kiddo in their campaign squad.

And it ain’t just about the physical stuff – no using kids to make it look like they’re all about that political life. No songs, poems, or showing off party logos through kids.

But here’s the tea – if a child’s just chillin’ with their parent or guardian near a political big shot and ain’t doing any campaign hustle, that’s cool. No rule-breakin’ there.

Legal talk, y’all! The ECI is throwing down the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, vibes, with a reminder about a Bombay High Court order from back in 2014. They’re saying all parties and candidates better stick to the rules, or there’s gonna be some serious consequences.

And peep this – election officials are getting a warning too. The ECI’s telling them to keep kids out of the election game. If they slip up, it’s gonna be disciplinary action time. So, everyone better stay in their lanes and play by the rules – the ECI ain’t messin’ around.

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